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The Therapy Crouch: In Search of Happy (N)ever After (Audiobook)


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Oct 10, 2022
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The Therapy Crouch: In Search of Happy (N)ever After (Audiobook)

English | 2023 | MP3@32 Kbps | ASIN: B0C9TRX72N | Duration: 4:09 h | 58 MB
Abbey Clancy, Peter Crouch / Narrated by Abbey Clancy, Peter Crouch

From the moment you swipe right or lock eyes across a crowded bar, you step onto a rollercoaster ride of dating, first kisses and romantic weekends away. Then before you know it, you're meeting the in-laws, moving in together and walking down the aisle.

It's not all highs, there are lows too: you've got your other half's annoying habits to discover and you need to learn how to win every argument in pursuit of always being right. When kids come along, sexy text messages make way for school whatsapp groups and suddenly you have no time for one another. Life is a blur of nappies, sleepless nights and chauffeuring as your offspring embark on a more colourful social life than you could dream of. That first date might just be the start of a relationship that lasts for the rest of your life, so choose wisely.

From hooking up to breaking up and getting together to staying together, join us as we navigate our way through the trials and tribulations of dating and relationships. Celebrating all that's good and bad about being in pursuit of love, we ask can you ever find you happy ever after?



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