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NodeJS Interview Guide 100 More QuestionsAnd Answers


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Sep 4, 2023
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2.24 GB | 10min 34s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - course-repository-1 0 0.zip (11.46 MB)
66 - What is GraphQL and what problem does it solve.mp4 (7.09 MB)
67 - Cons of a GraphQL API.mp4 (6.09 MB)
68 - What is a GraphQL resolver.mp4 (39.33 MB)
69 - GraphQl and REST When to use which.mp4 (8.76 MB)
70 - Whats the difference between CommonJS and ES Modules.mp4 (14.89 MB)
71 - What is middleware.mp4 (27.39 MB)
72 - What is an interceptor.mp4 (18.59 MB)
73 - What is a router.mp4 (19.56 MB)
74 - What is a controller.mp4 (23.97 MB)
75 - What is a service.mp4 (19.86 MB)
76 - What is a utility.mp4 (3.36 MB)
77 - Best practices when debugging NodeJS applications.mp4 (14.37 MB)
78 - Whats the difference between relational and nonrelational databases.mp4 (24 MB)
79 - What are best practices when designing a relational data structure.mp4 (16.96 MB)
80 - Inner Join vs Left Join vs Right Join.mp4 (54.93 MB)
81 - Whats a database migration pt 1.mp4 (54.94 MB)
82 - Whats a database migration pt 2.mp4 (51.84 MB)
83 - Whats a database transaction and what problem does it solve.mp4 (9.72 MB)
84 - Whats ACID in the context of a database.mp4 (6.57 MB)
85 - What are database indexes and how do they work.mp4 (37.04 MB)
86 - How do you normalize data for use in relational database.mp4 (14.74 MB)
87 - How do you optimise performance of SQL queries.mp4 (14.46 MB)
88 - What are some SQL antipatterns.mp4 (19.71 MB)
89 - What is database server side programming and its use cases pt 1.mp4 (37.74 MB)
90 - What is database server side programming and its use cases pt 2.mp4 (52.85 MB)
91 - Explain the difference between npm i and npm ci and when you would you use each.mp4 (14.17 MB)
92 - What is a multistage Dockerfil and why use it.mp4 (35.72 MB)
93 - Whats the difference between a Docker image and container.mp4 (9.14 MB)
94 - What are pros and cons of microservices.mp4 (16.01 MB)
95 - What are some good practices for error handling in microservices architecture.mp4 (8.82 MB)
96 - What problem does asynchronous communication between microservices solve.mp4 (28.55 MB)
97 - What are some best practices for databases with microservices.mp4 (7.89 MB)
98 - How do you manage tasks that need to be performed once in a multipod cluster.mp4 (28.43 MB)
100 - Describe client server architecture.mp4 (15.9 MB)
101 - Describe serverless architecture.mp4 (13.07 MB)
102 - Describe main quality attributes of a distributed system.mp4 (26.16 MB)
103 - What is a cache and how do you control it.mp4 (11.66 MB)
104 - What caching strategies do you know.mp4 (45.43 MB)
105 - What types of proxies do you know.mp4 (11.69 MB)
106 - What are queues why do we use them.mp4 (20.38 MB)
107 - What is load balancer.mp4 (15.24 MB)
99 - What is a monolithic architecture.mp4 (15.22 MB)
108 - How to mitigate risk of sql injection.mp4 (9.23 MB)
109 - What are some strategies to ensure security of NodeJS applications.mp4 (17.65 MB)
110 - What security headers could be used to improve security and how.mp4 (14.91 MB)
10 - How to improve performance of a CPUbound task in a Node app.mp4 (64.96 MB)
11 - Give an example of how you could block the event loop.mp4 (42.32 MB)
12 - What are some good practices to ensure optimum use of the NodeJS event loop.mp4 (6.42 MB)
13 - Describe how libuv thread pool works.mp4 (6.1 MB)
2 - How does NodeJS event loop work.mp4 (25.73 MB)
3 - Whats the order in which these consolelogs are going to run.mp4 (65.35 MB)
4 - Whats the order in which async consolelogs are going to run.mp4 (32.68 MB)
5 - Describe NodeJS architecture.mp4 (12.3 MB)
6 - What are pros and cons of NodeJS architecture.mp4 (11.9 MB)
7 - Whats the difference between IO bound and CPU bound tasks.mp4 (6.63 MB)
8 - What are blocking and nonblocking operations.mp4 (6 MB)
9 - How to improve IO performance of a NodeJS app.mp4 (8.89 MB)
15 - Is NodeJS capable of both concurrency and parallelism.mp4 (12.78 MB)
16 - How do you leverage libuv do achieve a level of parallelism.mp4 (10.75 MB)
17 - How does the promise work under the hood.mp4 (8.88 MB)
18 - Whats the difference between Cluster and PM2 pt 1.mp4 (51.3 MB)
19 - Whats the difference between Cluster and PM2 pt 2.mp4 (69.69 MB)
20 - Pros and Cons of PM2.mp4 (5.67 MB)
21 - How Cluster mode compares to Worker Threads what are their use cases.mp4 (24.86 MB)
22 - What problem do Worker Threads solve What are their pros and cons.mp4 (6.95 MB)
23 - How Worker Threads compare to Child Processes.mp4 (24.16 MB)
24 - NPM What files are used when working with NPM.mp4 (10.87 MB)
25 - NPM It is possible or advisable to effectively update packagelockjson.mp4 (7.71 MB)
26 - NPM How does NPM resolve dependencies.mp4 (5.84 MB)
27 - What are peer dependencies.mp4 (20.03 MB)
28 - What is semantic versioning How to understand changes between versions.mp4 (4.29 MB)
29 - Best practices when updating project dependencies.mp4 (7.04 MB)
30 - Give some examples of exit codes in NodeJS.mp4 (11.88 MB)
31 - How to handle errors in NodeJS applications.mp4 (54.65 MB)
32 - How to create custom errors in NodeJS applications.mp4 (15.69 MB)
33 - Describe test pyramid.mp4 (5.45 MB)
34 - How to benchmark NodeJS applications.mp4 (6.11 MB)
35 - Whats the difference between mocking spying and stubs How to use each pt 1.mp4 (13.34 MB)
36 - Whats the difference between mocking spying and stubs How to use each pt 2.mp4 (97.65 MB)
37 - What are unit testing best practices.mp4 (7.91 MB)
38 - What are integration testing best practices.mp4 (17.41 MB)
39 - What is the difference between readFile and createReadStream in NodeJS.mp4 (75.26 MB)
40 - What is a Buffer and how is it used.mp4 (47.49 MB)
41 - What is a Stream and how is it used in NodeJS.mp4 (8.59 MB)
42 - What types of streams does NodeJS support.mp4 (26.91 MB)
43 - How are streams optimising IO performance.mp4 (20.71 MB)
44 - What is High Watermark in streams.mp4 (18.22 MB)
45 - List and explain readable stream events.mp4 (3.92 MB)
46 - List and explain writable stream events.mp4 (3.92 MB)
47 - How can using streams lead to performance issues.mp4 (28.36 MB)
48 - Explain backpressure in the context of NodeJS streams.mp4 (58.47 MB)
49 - How to correctly copy enormous files with NodeJS using streams.mp4 (18.98 MB)
50 - How to stream data in NodeJS.mp4 (40.05 MB)
51 - What is piping or stream chaining.mp4 (2.07 MB)
52 - Why you shouldnt use pipe API in production.mp4 (5.44 MB)
53 - What is and whats the purpose of a Pipeline in NodeJS Streams.mp4 (30.62 MB)
54 - How to implement a custom stream in NodeJS.mp4 (30.03 MB)
56 - Describe main HTTP methods are their most popular use cases.mp4 (10.71 MB)
57 - What does it mean an HTTP method is idempotent or safe.mp4 (13.69 MB)
58 - Describe HTTP response status code classes and common http codes.mp4 (16.13 MB)
59 - What information can be included in an HTTP request.mp4 (7.35 MB)
60 - What is a data contract and what are some good practices around it.mp4 (20.85 MB)
61 - What are good practices when constructing responses.mp4 (12.51 MB)
62 - How do HTTP headers control the HTTP protocol.mp4 (5.35 MB)
63 - Provide an example of a useful HTTP header.mp4 (7 MB)
64 - What is and what problems does REST solve.mp4 (6.48 MB)
65 - How do you design RESTful endpoints.mp4 (8.27 MB)]

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