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Python Essentials For Dummies [Audiobook]


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Python Essentials For Dummies [Audiobook]

English | 2024 | ISBN: 9798855567496 | 3GP@64 kbps | Duration: 5h27 | 153 MB

The no-nonsense way to get started coding in the Python programming language

Python Essentials For Dummies is a quick reference to all the core concepts in Python, the multifaceted general-purpose language used for everything from building websites to creating apps. This book gets right to the point, with no excess review, wordy explanations, or fluff, making it perfect as a desk reference on the job or as a brush-up as you expand your skills in related areas. Focusing on just the essential topics you need to know to brush up or level up your Python skill, this is the reliable little book you can always turn to for answers.

- Get a quick and thorough intro to the basic concepts of coding in Python

- Review what you've already learned or pick up essential new skills

- Create websites, software, machine learning, and automation for school or work

- Keep this concise reference book handy for jogging your memory as you code

This portable Dummies Essentials book focuses on the key topics you need to know about the popular Python language. Great for supplementing a course, reviewing for a certification, or staying knowledgeable on the job.



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